#6 ๐Ÿ’…Add Feed

Add a BlogCardComponent

Create a new blog card component. Therefore right-click on the folder ๐Ÿ“components and then navigate to 'Angular Generator', select 'Component' and provide the name 'blog-card'.

Open ๐Ÿ“src/app/components/blog-card.component.tsand add the following imports

import { BlogService } from 'src/app/services/blog.service';
import { Post } from 'src/app/models/post';

Inject the Blog Service in the constructor of BlogCardComponent class as shown below.

constructor(private blogService: BlogService) { }

Add a property to hold the current blog post.

blogPost: Post[] = [];

Now we will create a method to get the blog post and invoke it inside ngOnInit in ๐Ÿ“src/app/components/blog-card.component.ts file.

ngOnInit() {

getBlogPosts() {
    this.blogService.getAllPosts().subscribe(result => {
    this.blogPost = result;

Open ๐Ÿ“src/app/components/blog-card.component.html and REPLACE what is there with the HTML shown at blog-card.component.html (Github)

Open src/app/components/blog-card/blog-card.component.scss and REPLACE what is there with the style definitions shown at blog-card.component.scss (Github)

Add the BlogCardComponent to the home page

We will display the blog card on home page. Open ๐Ÿ“src/app/components/home.component.html and REPLACE what is there with the following HTML.

<div class="row left-panel">
    <div class="col-md-9">

Open ๐Ÿ“src/app/components/home/home.component.scss and add the following style definition inside it.

.left-panel {
    margin-top: 15px;

Last updated